Member Services.

Member - Temple Puja


For starting formal education for a child


First solid food to a child

Ayushya Havan


Ganesh Puja or any other puja without Havan


Ganesh Puja or any other puja with Havan


Graduation Puja




Mundan Puja



Naming Ceremony

Navagraha Puja (Without Havan)


Navagraha Puja (With Havan)


Pitru Tarpanam


Punyaha Vachanam


Priest Services for Wedding


Priest services for Engagement


Srardham Puja


60th, or 70th or 80th Birthday Celebration


Sri Satyanaryana Puja (Individual Family)


Sri Venkateswara Vrata puja


Sri Venkateswara Vajra Alankara Puja



Baby Shower Ceremony

Sudarshan Havan



Janyu/Thread Ceremony

Any other Puja which requires up to 2 hours of priest time


Any other Puja which requires between 2 - 4 hours of priest time


Member - Private Puja


For starting formal education for a child


First solid food to a child

Ayushya Havan


Bhoomi Puja

Groundbreaking Ceremony

Ganesh Puja or any other puja without Havan


Ganesh Puja or any other puja with Havan


Graduation Puja


Grihapravesam Puja

Housewarming Ceremony

Mundan Puja



Naming Ceremony

Navagraha Puja (without Havan)


Navagraha Puja (with Havan)


Pitru Tarpanam


Punyaha Vachanam


Priest Services for Wedding


Priest services for Engagement


Srardham Puja


60th, or 70th or 80th Birthday Celebration


Sri Satyanarayana Puja



Baby Shower Ceremony

Sudarshan Havan



Janyu/Thread Ceremony

Any Other Puja which requires up to 2 hours of priest time


Any Other Puja which requires between 2 - 4 hours of priest time
